How to make a booking…
It’s easy to use our ski holiday information and booking selection. To start, click on Resort Finder at the top of any page, and then choose a region and a resort. You’ll be taken to a page with details about that resort, the special ski package deals we offer there, and a list of the accommodation available.
On the resort page you can choose a specific accommodation and get all the details, or select a specific package deal, or just enter your desired dates and see all the properties that are available. You can even see other dates around the time you’re interested in if your travel schedule is flexible.
To see some of the latest ski package deals on offer at various resorts, head on over to Ski Deals where we feature a selection of our best value for money packages.
When you have chosen dates and the accommodation or package, follow the steps to add extras such as lift tickets, insurance, ski hire and other activities. You can then save your itinerary to book later, or finalise your booking and make payment with a few more clicks.
Need flights? We have provided some recommendations and tips on the best airlines for ski destinations over on our Flights page.
Travel insurance is strongly recommended and Ski Travel Company offer a 20% discount to our customers. We’ll provide details on how to purchase insurance with your booking confirmation, but you can also find out more and purchase it directly by going to the Products page.
If you need help or would prefer to speak with a consultant about your ski holiday requirements, then we are here to assist. Please call us on (02) 9810 1000, or email with your details and we will contact you.
Booking F.A.Q.
Q. How can I make a booking for a resort or property not on this site?
A. It’s easy. Just call our consultants on (02) 9810 1000 Monday-Friday 8.30a – 5.30p AEST, or email us at and let us know what you are after and we will put together a personalised quote for your preferred destination or property.
Q. Is is cheaper if I book online?
A. Yes, our best package deals including big discounts on snow accommodation and lift passes are only available when booked online. You will still receive a great value package deal when booking via our call centre, but for the lowest prices we recommend you book online. If you need help when using our online booking engine, you can still receive support by calling us on (02) 9810 1000.
Q. Is your site secure and is it safe to enter my credit card details?
A. Yes it is. Our booking engine, which is provided on the Inntopia travel platform, has an encrypted server connection and security certificate issued by Thwate Internet Security.
Q. Can I save an itinerary I've put together before booking it, and then retrieve it later?
A. Yes. You can save an itinerary you’re working on and come back to it whenever you’d like to make any changes or book it. Just press SAVE ITINERARY after you’ve selected any item and you can create a User Name and Password to retrieve your itinerary later. We’ll email you a summary of your current selections and you can access them again online by clicking on
Modify Existing Itinerary here or on our homepage.
Q. I made a booking. What happens now?
A. You will receive a confirmation email to the address you provided in your booking. Please print the confirmation along with any vouchers required for your itinerary and ensure you take it with you when travelling. If you have not received a confirmation email, please contact us at or give us a call and provide your name, email address and the confirmation number displayed on the screen after payment. We can access your details and provide full confirmation of your booking.
Useful Booking Tips
- Can’t find what you need online? Call us on (02) 9810 1000 Monday-Friday 8.30a – 5.30p AEST, or email your request to
- Don’t miss out on the latest deals and last minute offers by signing up to the Inside Edge, our ski holiday deals & info newsletter.
- If your travel dates are flexible and your selected room is not available, view the two month calendar to see a wider range of dates and availability.
- When you search for accommo- dation within a destination, use the ‘Sort By’ tool on the top right of the search results page to sort results by price, alphabetical or our recommendations
- If you’re travelling with children, check out our Family Ski Deals page to find out where the kids can ski free and save on their lift passes.